Saturday, April 25, 2009

Interesting little game: MyBrute

I wasn't too enthralled with this the first time I checked it out, but with a long list of classmates participating, whom I could fight against, it became more interesting.

Create your Brute and fight creekpilgrim, if you dare. Fear my cute pink hair! Fear it!

It's an odd little game in that you don't really do anything except choose whom to fight - the things that happen during a fight are all automatic and don't require any actions or choices on your part. And you get experience from other people fighting your brute when you're not around, and possibly some kind of experience from the experience of your pupils - that part I'm not too clear on as yet.

There are one or two other games I know of that basically play themselves - you just let them run and they level up over time. Sadly, I cannot remember their names....

Update: Creekpilgrim is good with a knife. Just killed two brutes, although the first one stole my weapon and killed me with it. Talk about adding injury to insult.

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