Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Religion in Japan

An interesting article from Kansai Scene. I've enjoyed visiting Buddhist temples, a Zen Buddhist temple, and Shinto shrines. Haven't tried a Christian church yet, but Easter is coming up, so that's some encouragement to find one. There's a fairly large Shinto shrine near our apartment building, but so far I've only found time to poke my head in through the gate.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Terrible English menus in China

Fuckin' hilarious.

In a similar vein, my co-producer Michael found this menu. Thanks, Wayback Machine.

Overnight at the ETC

My life took a turn for the Completely Sucky this afternoon, so I'm consoling myself by spending way too much time on the Internet. Which means I didn't get my work done in time for last train, and I found this. Every now and then, Christians remind me why I love them so much, and why I still claim to be one. Christian-Daoist, mind you, if such a thing exists, but still. I love Christ, and I know so many beautiful stories that come directly from Christianity, so I'll still claim 'em.

Also, good news! The SBC has finally decided that this whole "global warming" thing might be kind of a problem after all, and maybe Christians really do have a responsibility to care for the planet. Welcome to the club, Mom and Dad.

[Links provided by the ePistle, a free publication of Evangelicals for Social Action]

Urban myth -- debunked!

I was telling a friend about, and followed a link to an old favorite, hanzismatter. This post appeared, so I'm sharing it.

Rant about why it's still apparently ok to misunderstand at will, if not outright exploit, Chinese culture has been skipped for your convenience.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Dear Brian Evans

Because you complained that my blog has no content, I am creating more content, just for you. The gist of the content is: post your complaints in the comments, you big jerk, and then maybe I'll be more motivated to post actual content.

For the rest of my theoretical readers, I welcome any and all interaction. I promise I won't be as mean to you as I am to Brian - he knows I'm only joking.