Saturday, March 21, 2009

Grad school hates me, again

On the other hand, this is my favorite grad school advisor EVAR. When life hands you a Leave of Absence, if you're patient enough, you might receive a Spanish computer graphics guy to make up for the sour taste in your mouth.

Of course, when grad school subsequently hands you a Letter of Dismissal... I'm not sure what happens after that, although I'm doing okay with the patience bit (at the moment). Thank the good Lord for library Internet access. And friends. And mothers.

Update: Carnegie Mellon University apparently cannot be bothered to give me a final answer as to what happens after one receives a letter of dismissal and one appeals the aforesaid letter. It's been a year, people. What? You can't pick up a phone and call me back after I call you 2 times in one week? Is your arm broken? At this point, you've passed over from accidental ineptness and you're pretty deep in Extreme Rudeness Territory. The Entertainment Technology Center, naturally, cannot pay me enough money to return and finish my master's degree, at this point. The rest of Carnegie Mellon, including the graphics lab and the entire school of computer science, has deeply disappointed me and I hope they realize their error before I write them off for good and go seriously looking for another institute of higher learning to which I can transfer two and a half years' worth of grad school credits.

Edited Saturday, August 21st, 2010


Unknown said...

Whoah, Julie! I'm so sorry to hear this. Not quite clear on what these two types of things mean but I hope your grad school life regains some certainty more sooner than later. Thanks for posting about your trials.

Julie said...

Since I can't see your profile, who are you, rictor?

Thanks for the encouragement, though, whoever you are. :)

I'm currently wending my way through the appeal process, so maybe something constructive will come out of that. If not, I did learn quite a bit, even if they never give me a giant diploma.

Unknown said...

Wow, that does not sound pleasant! But I'm glad you at least seem to have a great perspective on it :-)

Sorry, but there is no profile to see. I'm not a blogger just an account holder. You once knew me through a former life, actually! Perhaps you would like a riddle, but mask your guess if you would like.

Who am I? I own a tiny, wooden shot glass with chinese characters that I once asked you to decipher -- sadly, without success :-(

Julie said...

Intriguing! I would indeed like a riddle, as the only person who springs to mind is Kaleb J. If you're not him, then by all means, riddle me up.

Unknown said...

Haha, well, it appears you have already failed the first riddle (it wasn't in traditional form) I'll give you another hint...just think about...the...faaaaaactts. I met you there.