No, you didn't just catch me out in a typo. Having discovered the Referrals page on one of my favorite casual game sites, I am here to try it out.
It's fun to combine things. So: my previous post about freelance online writing meets my love of all things piratical meets my addiction to casual games: click here and earn me some points, friends. It's fun, I promise. And if you don't find it fun, please tell me why. I'd genuinely like to know.
17 Days! Yarr! This is a pretty fun little game. Tricky, but not maddeningly frustrating like some are. Well done ^_^ I shall pimp it on my blag.
Thanks for the feedback! I didn't make the game, just found it on Kongregate. But maybe someday when I have some time to kill or am struck by the creative impulse, I'd like to try my hand at a casual Flash game or two. Or a pretty interactive Something. I hear ActionScript 3 is close to an actual programming language, which would be an improvement over the semester I spent fighting with AS2.
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