Monday, June 16, 2008

Settling in

I now have a place to live, and employment. Both are big improvements over last week. I am living with a woman my grandmother's age, who is renting me a big bedroom on the third floor of her house. I've always wanted to try one of those long rooms shaped almost like a triangle by the slope of the roof on both sides. Now's my chance. It feels cozy, like my own little nest where my cats and I can curl up and do our own thinking. Plus, it's in a part of Pittsburgh I haven't explored before - even the bus ride into town is eye-opening.

I meet tomorrow with my new boss. I'll be teaching high-school students about entertainment technology for six weeks. I'm kinda fuzzy on the details at present, but excited to be teaching again, and looking forward to the challenge.

Pittsburgh is lovely. Blue skies and green trees are heavenly. I have landed on my feet and look forward to what lies ahead down the path.


Unknown said...

I am in this happy place right now and it's awesome. Soon I may be moving into a house with many boys.

Julie said...

Yay for boys!


I, uh, mean that in a strictly platonic sense. Usually. When, you know... crap, there's no way out of this hole I've burrowed into, is there?