Saturday, November 29, 2008


No, you didn't just catch me out in a typo. Having discovered the Referrals page on one of my favorite casual game sites, I am here to try it out.

It's fun to combine things. So: my previous post about freelance online writing meets my love of all things piratical meets my addiction to casual games: click here and earn me some points, friends. It's fun, I promise. And if you don't find it fun, please tell me why. I'd genuinely like to know.

Taking the plunge

It might end up being only a small plunge - I have so far invested less than $20 in this venture, plus a few hours doing research on how to make money online without going into anything resembling marketing or "business." I hate business. My friend Carrie and I had a running joke in undergrad that business majors don't have souls. Since the only business major I can think of that I'm particularly close to is thinking about ditching her religion as a bunch of man-made power-grabbing foolishness, I have yet to find a reason to change our theory.

But I digress. Free Lance Home Writers is my new business partner, and hopefully between me putting in some serious time on this and it actually being a decent system, I will make enough to pay off these last couple months of student loan payments that are breathing down my neck. Last only because I will shortly be fighting my way through whatever paperwork is necessary to make the banks leave me alone until I actually graduate at the end of next semester. Also, boots. I need boots. No, really. This is not girl-talk, or retail therapy. My old ones fell apart in Japan, and I don't intend to trudge to the bus stop through snow drifts wearing sneakers.

You see how I have difficulty focusing on finding gainful employment? I think it boils down to real fear that I won't find anything and I'll end up spending the rest of my natural life hiding from big mean banks. I didn't realize going into this whole deal that grad school would be such a gamble. For the past six months, I've felt as though I were teetering on the brink of either pushing through and getting that huge piece of paper from CMU or waving goodbye to $60,000 plus interest and making the best of my life as it stands.

If you're looking for some sort of pretty shiny summary of what this post is about, sorry. Fresh out today.